Create a KMA

Create a KMA definition within OKM Manger before adding it to the cluster using QuickStart.

Available to: Security Officer (requires a quorum)
  1. From the System Management menu, select KMA List. Click Create...
  2. Enter the following within the General tab:
    • KMA Name — Uniquely identifies the KMA in a cluster (can be between 1 and 64 characters).
    • Description — Describes the KMA (can be between 1 and 64 characters).
    • Site ID (optional) — The site that the KMA belongs to,
  3. Click the Passphrase tab, and then enter the passphrase for the user. See Passphrase Requirements.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Creating a KMA requires a Quorum. Within the Key Split Quorum Authentication dialog, the quorum must type their usernames and passphrases to authenticate the operation. See Quorum Authentication for more information.
  6. Run the QuickStart program on the KMA(s) you created so that they can join the cluster. For procedures on joining a cluster, refer to Add a KMA to an Existing Cluster.