Launch the KMA QuickStart Program

You can launch the KMA QuickStart program from the ILOM web interface or ILOM CLI.

Accessing the ILOM Interfaces

Connect to the ILOM IP address on the KMA Management Network (NET MGT). The ILOM can also be accessed by physically connecting a terminal to the SER MGT port on the KMA, but this is typically only done by an Oracle Service Representative during KMA installation or service.

See Upgrade and Configure Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) for additional procedures.

See the Oracle ILOM Administrator's Guide for Configuration and Maintenance for details about the ILOM for your KMA.

What happens once the KMA startup completes?

The KMA behaves differently after startup depending on if it is in the factory-default state or was already configured.

  • If the KMA is in the factory-default state, the KMA QuickStart program automatically launches and guides you through the initial KMA configuration. See Review QuickStart Information.
  • If the KMA has already been configured for your site, the OKM Console appears and you can display or make changes to the KMA configuration. See OKM Console.