14 OKM Console

OKM Console is a terminal text-based interface used to configure basic functions of the KMA.

The operating system automatically launches OKM Console when the KMA starts up. The console cannot be terminated by a user. Depending on the roles that a user is assigned, the options in the console differ. Before you can login to the console, the security officer must create the user with OKM Manager. OKM Console uses the same user name and passphrase as for OKM Manager.

Log into the KMA

Log into the KMA to access the OKM Console. Use the same credentials as your OKM Manager user.

You can access OKM console from the ILOM or by physically connecting a terminal to the SER MGT port on the KMA. Physically connecting is typically only done by an Oracle service representative during KMA installation or service.

The operating system automatically launches the OKM Console when the KMA starts up. After the KMA starts up, it displays the following information:

Copyright (c) 2007, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle Key Manager Version 3.3.3 (build2081) – examplekma
Please enter your User ID:
  1. Type your user name and press Enter.
  2. Type your passphrase and press Enter.
  3. The options on the OKM Console will differ depending on the role(s) assigned to the user (see User Role Menu Options). The menu shows the version of the KMA and the logged on user.