Set KMA Service IP Addresses

This OKM console function modifies the IP address settings for the service network interface of the KMA.

The KMA service IP addresses are initially set in the QuickStart program (see Configure the Network in QuickStart). In a multi-site cluster where tape drives are deployed as OKM agents, the service network interfaces of KMAs in a particular site are typically configured to support network connectivity with tape drives at that site.


This function should be used carefully. KMAs typically communicate with tape drives at the local site using their service network interface over a private service network. This means that changing the IP address settings for the service network interface of this KMA can affect the network connectivity between this KMA and the tape drives.

Tape drives do not receive updated IP information immediately after you update the service IP addresses on a KMA; they typically get update IP information when a tape cartridge is mounted.

Consider the example where tape jobs run only at night and you change the service IP addresses of all of the local KMAs during the day. In this case, the tape drives might not be able to communicate with the KMAs. If this happens, the drives must be re-enrolled with the OKM cluster. To avoid this, you should change service IP addresses on one KMA at a time and then wait for the tape drives to receive this change before proceeding to the next KMA.

Available to: Security Officer
  1. Log in to OKM console. At the Please enter your choice: prompt on the main menu, select Set KMA Service IP Addresses and press Enter.

    This displays the current KMA Service IP address settings (if configured). The IPv6 address fields are blank when the KMA is not configured to use IPv6 addresses.

  2. Type either y or n at the Do you want to configure the Service Network interface? [y/n] prompt.
    • If you type y, continue with the remaining steps.
    • If you type n, a confirmation message indicates that the service network flag has been applied successfully.
  3. Type either n or y at the Do you want to configure the Service Network interface to have an IPv6 address prompt.
  4. Type either n or y at the Do you want to use DHCP to configure the Service Network IPv4 interface prompt. If you type y, skip to step 6.
  5. At the prompt, type the Service Network IP address and press Enter.
  6. At the Please enter the Service Network Subnet Mask: prompt, type the subnet mask address, (for example and press Enter.
  7. Type y at the Are you sure that you want to commit these changes? [y/n]: prompt.