Shutdown the KMA

This OKM console function terminates (shuts down) all services on the KMA and physically shuts down the KMA.

Considerations When Shutting Down a KMA

  • The KMA does not wait for replications to be completed. Any replications that did not complete before the shutdown will be completed after the KMA restarts.
  • Any in-progress technical support sessions will be terminated.
  • Any open KMA console sessions, including the one performing this procedure, will be terminated.
  • Any open OKM Manager sessions to this KMA will return an error on any attempt to contact the KMA while it is shutdown.
  • Long running actions, such as upgrades or backups will be terminated when the KMA is shutdown.
  • Any in-process requests from Agents will fail while the KMA is shutdown. The Agent will then reconnect to a different KMA, if it can contact another KMA. If not, Agent requests (such as: retrieve a key during a tape mount) will fail.
  • The KMA is not removed from the cluster while it is shut down. Other cluster members will attempt to contact the KMA while it is shut down (unless the KMA was logged out, see ). One or more of the remaining KMAs will issue an SNMP INFORM when they are unable to contact the shut down KMA. If the KMA is not expected to be returned to service, the reset KMA procedure should be used instead of this one.
Available to: Operator
  1. If the KMA has been shut down for at least a few hours and the Autonomous Unlock option is enabled, lock the KMA before restarting the KMA. After recent updates have been propagated to this KMA, as shown by the Replication Lag Size in the KMA List panel, unlock the KMA .
  2. You should log the KMA out of the cluster before shutting it down to avoid other KMAs attempting to communicate with the shutdown KMA. See Change a KMA Passphrase (Log the KMA Out of the Cluster).
  3. Log into OKM console. At the Please enter your choice: prompt on the main menu, select Shutdown KMA, and then press Enter.
  4. When prompted, type y and press Enter. When finished with shutdown, it displays: syncing files... done
  5. The KMA is now powered off. You can power on the KMA using either the power button or the remote power control function in the service processor.