Synchronize the KMA Time (using QuickStart)

Synchronize the KMA time after selecting the certificate algorithm within the QuickStart wizard.

KMAs in a cluster must keep their clocks synchronized. Internally, all KMAs use UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). You can also use the OKM Manager to adjust date and time settings to local time.
  1. When prompt, optionally enter the NTP server host name or IP address.


    You can provide an IPv6 address for this NTP server. This IPv6 address must not include square brackets or a prefix length.
  2. If an NTP server is not available, press Enter. Then, enter the date and time in one of the specified formats, or press Enter to use the displayed date and time.
  3. At the prompt, press Enter. KMA initialization is complete.
  4. Press Enter to exit. The QuickStart program terminates and a login prompt is displayed (refer to Log into the KMA). The KMA now has the minimum system configuration that is required to communicate with the OKM Manager.
  5. Your next step is to use OKM Manager to connect to and configure the cluster. For procedures, refer to Configure the Cluster.