Administration and Database Accounts Created During STA Installation

The STA installation creates specific administration and database accounts. These accounts are specific to STA (they are not Linux usernames).

STA and third-party applications use the database accounts to access and manage the STA database. These accounts must exist for normal STA operations, but you will not need to log in to any of them.

You can change the passwords for these accounts at any time using the STA Password Change Utility. See the STA Administration Guide for details.

WebLogic administrator

Account for logging into the WebLogic Administration console to configure and manage the WebLogic environment—for example, to connect WebLogic to an LDAP or RACF server. This account is used infrequently.

STA administrator

An STA user with administrator privileges created during the installation. This account can log in to the STA user interface with full access privileges. This user can create and manage other user interface accounts (see the STA User's Guide).

Database root user

A MySQL account that owns the STA database. It is used internally by the STA application to create the database and provide full access to all database tables. The username for this account is automatically set to root and cannot be changed. This is separate from the system root user.

Database application user

A user-defined MySQL account (for example stadb) used internally by the STA application to connect to and update the STA database. It provides create, update, delete, and read access to all database tables.

Database reports user

A user-defined MySQL account (for example starpt) used by non-STA and third-party applications to connect to the STA database. It provides read-only access to selected database tables.

Database administrator

A user-defined MySQL account (for example stadba) used internally by STA utilities to connect to the database and configure and run backups. It provides full access, except the "grant" option, to all database tables.

mysql user

An internal MySQL account that is automatically created during STA installation. It has full create, update, and delete privileges to the database. The username is automatically set to mysql and cannot be changed.

Do not modify the credentials for this account, as it may affect the ability of STA to access the database. Unlike the other database accounts, you cannot change its credentials through STA.