Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer

The STA installation configures specific users, groups, and directories. Understand how these are used by STA so that you will know how best to configure them during installation.

Pay close attention to the ownership and permissions required for each location. Make sure that the locations do not have SELinux permissions. See Remove SELinux Permissions.

Oracle group

The Linux group used for installing and upgrading Oracle products on the STA server. Oracle recommends creating a separate group dedicated for this purpose. To perform STA installation and administration, you must log in as a user that is a member of this group. You cannot install STA as the Linux root user nor any other user with superuser privileges

The instructions and examples in this guide use the name oinstall for this group.

Oracle user

The Linux user used to install Oracle products on the STA server, run STA utilities, and run the STA application. This can be any user that is a member of the Oracle group.

Depending on your site's configuration, some of the activities performed by this user may require system root privileges. The administrator should add the Oracle user to the system sudoers file if this is the case.

Do not use an LDAP defined user for the Oracle user.

The instructions and examples in this guide use the name oracle for this user.

Oracle central inventory location

The directory used for tracking information about Oracle products installed on the STA server. The logs subdirectory within this location contains the STA installer and deinstaller logs .

The Oracle user must own this directory and have full permissions to it. Do not use the Oracle user's home directory for this purpose. Other users in the Oracle group need access to this directory so they can install Oracle products. Additionally, do not create any system links in this directory, as these can interfere with an STA installation or upgrade.

Keep this location separate from the other directories described in this section. You should register this location after completing the STA installation so all Oracle installers use the same central inventory location on this server. See Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location for details.

The instructions and examples in this guide use /opt/oracle/oraInventory for this location.

Oracle storage home location

The directory used to install STA and associated Oracle software. STA automatically installs in the StorageTek_Tape_Analytics subdirectory within this location. Keep this directory separate from the other directories described in this section.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of STA, this directory may already exist. If so, you should verify the correct ownership and permissions. The Oracle group (not root) must own this directory. The Oracle user must have full permissions the directory. If this directory does not exist, the STA installer will automatically create it if the Oracle user has full permissions to the parent directory.

The instructions and examples in this guide use /Oracle for this location.

STA home

The directory where the installer places all STA software. The installer automatically creates this directory within the Oracle storage home location and names it StorageTek_Tape_Analytics.

The instructions and examples in this guide use /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics for this location.

STA installer location

The directory where you download the STA installer. Keep this directory separate from the other directories described in this section.

The instructions and examples in this guide use /Installers for this location.

STA installer working location

The STA and WebLogic installer files unpack to the STA_home/tmp directory, which requires a minimum 11 GB of space. You can unpack the STA installer files to a different working location by running the STA installer with the following option:

–J–<absolute path for working directory>

For example:

$ ./sta_installer_linux64.bin –J–
STA logs location

The default location of the STA and MySQL logs is /var/log/tbi, but you can change this location at any time after STA installation (see Relocate the STA Logs Directory (optional) for instructions. See Review the STA File System Layout for space requirements. The contents tend to grow. STA manages the log size by rotating the logs.