Identify or Create Information Required for the Installation

Identify and, if necessary, create users and locations to run the STA installer.

  1. Review the information in Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer to understand the users and locations needed for the STA installer.
  2. On the STA server, open a terminal session. Log in as the system root user.
  3. Determine if there is an Oracle central inventory pointer file /etc/oraInst.loc.
    # cat /etc/oraInst.loc
    • If the file exists, you will likely need to identify and record information as outlined in the following steps.
    • If the file does not exist, you will likely need to create users and locations as outlined in the following steps.
  4. Identify or create the Oracle group.
    # groupadd oinstall
  5. Identify or create the username and password of the Oracle user. Do not use an LDAP defined user. This user must belong to the Oracle group.
    # useradd -g oinstall -d /home/oracle oracle
    # passwd oracle

    Depending on your site configuration, some of the activities performed by this user may require system root privileges. You should add the user to the system sudoers file.

  6. Identify or create the Oracle central inventory location. This directory must be owned by the Oracle user.
    # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    # chown oracle /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    # chgrp oinstall /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    # ls -la /opt/oracle/oraInventory
  7. Identify or create Oracle storage home location. This directory must have at least 11 GB of free space. It must be owned by the Oracle user and Oracle group.
    # mkdir /Oracle
    # chown oracle /Oracle
    # chgrp oinstall /Oracle
  8. Identify or create the STA installer location. For example:
    # mkdir /Installers
  9. Obtain the password for the system root user. The STA installer requires root access to perform certain tasks and will prompt for the password.
  10. Choose usernames for the WebLogic Administrator, STA Administrator, and MySQL accounts that will be created during the installation.
  11. Choose port numbers for the configurable internal and external ports required for STA operations. Ensure that the external ports are open on the required networks.
  12. Obtain your site's domain name for configuring Oracle's Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA). See the STA User's Guide for details.