Run Silent-Mode to Install STA

Silent-mode uses a response file to provide input for the installation. This mode is useful for unattended installations and for installing STA on multiple machines.

  1. Before running the installer, you must configure a response file.
  2. On the STA server, open a terminal window. Log in as the Oracle user.
  3. Change to the STA installer location. For example:
    $ cd /Installers
  4. Start the STA silent-mode installer.

    See Installer Command Options for full definitions of the command parameters.

    $ ./sta_installer_linux64_<version>.bin –silent  –responseFile <absolute path to response file> –invPtrLoc <absolute path to Oracle central inventory pointer file>

    For example:

    $ ./sta_install_2.3.1_linux64.bin –silent –responseFile /Installers/silentInstall.rsp -invPtrLoc /Oracle/oraInventory/oraInst.loc
  5. The installer displays status messages in the terminal window as it performs the following installation steps. This process may take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
    • Performs prerequisite checks on the STA server environment.
    • Verifies that the response file is valid and includes entries for all required parameters.
    • Installs the included software packages, including MySQL, WebLogic, and the STA application.
    • Configures the STA environment using the settings you have supplied in the response file.
    • Starts the STA application.

    If successful, you should see:

    Configuration:Post Configuration completed successfully
    The installation of STA_Install 2.3.1 completed successfully.
    Logs successfully copied to /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/cfgtoollogs/oui.

    If it fails, you may see:

    [ERROR] Rule_CalculateFreeSpace_Error. Aborting Install
    Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-24_09-29-29AM.
    ** Error during execution, error code = 256.
  6. When the installer completes successfully, verify that STA is running.

    See Verify Successful Installation for instructions.