Verify Successful Installation

Verify that STA is running to make sure the installation was successful.

  1. Verify the STA bin directory is included in the PATH variable for the Oracle user.
    1. On the STA server, open a terminal session. Log in as the Oracle user.
    2. Open the Oracle user profile using a text editor. For example:
      $ vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
    3. Add the STA bin directory to the PATH definition. For example, add the following line to the file:

      Where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location specified during STA installation.

    4. Save and exit the file.
    5. Log out and log back in as the Oracle user.
    6. Confirm that the PATH variable has been updated correctly.
      $ echo $PATH
  2. Verify that all STA services are running and active:
    $ STA status all
    mysql is running
    staservd service is running
    staweblogic service is running
    staengine service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staengine is in an ACTIVE state
    staadapter service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staadapter is in an ACTIVE state
    staui service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staui is in an ACTIVE state
  3. Proceed as follows: