Run the STA Installer

Begin the installation by launching either the installation wizard or the silent mode installer.

  1. On the STA server, open a terminal session. Log in as the root user.
  2. Clear as much space as possible in the system temporary directory (/tmp). Remove all files and directories owned by the Oracle user, which may be left over from previous STA installations or installation preparation activities.
    $ rm -rf /tmp/*
  3. Switch to the Oracle user. Change to the STA installer location. For example:
    $ cd /Installers
  4. Launch the STA installer with one of the following commands:
    • Installation Wizard (recommended)— See Install STA with the Installation Wizard. This mode provides a graphical user interface for installing STA. It requires an X11 display.

      $ ./sta_install_<sta version>_linux64.bin

      For example:

      $ ./sta_install_2.3.1_linux64.bin
    • Silent Installer — Silent mode allows you to bypass the graphical user interface and supply the installation options in an XML properties file called the response file. This mode is useful for unattended installations and for installing STA on multiple machines. By using a response file, you can supply a single set of parameters and automate the installation. You can run the silent-mode installer either from a script or from the Linux command line.

      $ ../sta_install_<sta version>_linux64.bin –silent  –responseFile <absolute path to response file>

      For example:

      $ ./sta_install_2.3.1_linux64.bin –silent –responseFile /Installers/SilentInstall.rsp 

      Before using this mode, you must also download the silentInstallUtility_version.jar file and create a response file specifying the installation options.

      See Silent-mode Installer for instructions.