Verify the Firewall Settings

For the SL4000 and STA to communicate using SCI, the firewall settings must be properly configured.

  1. Verify the following firewall settings:
    • Firewall is running
    • Check hosts.allow and hosts.deny files if using those OS services
    • REJECT rules are not interfering with the inbound and outbound SCI ports (such as 7103, 7102, and 7026)
    • Port forwarding from 162 to 7029 (port 7029 may be different if you have customized it)
    • Network router configuration between the STA server and library

    To verify, open a terminal session and login as the root user. Issue the following:

    # systemctl status iptables
    # more /etc/hosts.allow
    # iptables -L
  2. If needed, use the iptables command to remove or modify the firewall rules to allow SCI communication. For example:
    # iptables -D INPUT 5


    Removing or modifying firewall rules can create security risks and must be done by a qualified security administrator.

  3. Verify the iptables settings:
    1. Verify iptables rules were been saved correctly using the service iptables save command.
      # service iptables save
    2. Verify the iptables server is enabled. For example:
      # systemctl status iptables
      # systemctl start iptables
      # systemctl enable iptables