Verify STA is Functioning Normally

Verify that your current STA environment is functioning normally before upgrading.

  1. Verify STA has had recent, successful communication with each monitored library.
    1. Log in to STA as an administrator user.
    2. Expand the Setup & Administration tab, select SNMP Connections.
    3. Verify the following values in the Monitored Libraries table:
      • Recent SNMP Trap Communication Status—GOOD
      • Last Connection Status—SUCCESS
      Monitored Libraries table with Status columns noted.
  2. Verify that STA is processing exchanges across all libraries.
    1. Expand the Tape System Activity tab, select Exchanges – Overview.
    2. Click Filter Filter icon. Add Exchange End (No. Days) | Less than # days ago | 1.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. From the table's View drop-down menu, select Sort and then Advanced...
      View menu with Sort and then Advanced... selected.
    5. Sort by Drive Library Name, Drive Serial Number.
    6. Verify that all libraries have exchange activity.