Analyze Drive Efficiency

STA collects read and write rates per exchange and then summarizes them into daily and 30-day time periods to help answer the question, "Which drives have had significantly change in efficiency over time?"

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Hardware, select Drives Overview.
  2. In the Templates menu, apply the "STA-Drive-Performance‐30‐Days".

    This does not include any graph panes. Some values may be null if STA has not been monitoring a drive long enough to gather data.

  3. Add graphs to see changes in efficiency over time.
    1. Restore the Graph Area.
    2. Click Add Graph Add Graph icon. STA displays a new graph with the attribute MB Read.
    3. Within the graph's toolbar, click Change Graphed Attribute Change Graph Attribute icon and select an attribute of interest (such as Avg Mount Read MB/sec).
    4. Repeat to add multiple graphs.
  4. Add specific drives to the graphs to compare them against the system average.
    1. Select specific drives in the table (shift- or ctrl-click to select multiples).
    2. Click Apply Selection Apply Selection icon. The graphs update with the drive specific data.