Set a the Visibility of a Template to Public or Private

Assign public or private visibility to a template you own. A public template can be used by other users. A private template can only be used by your username.

To share templates by importing and exporting, see Share a Template.
  1. You must have Operator or Administrator privileges.
  2. In the left navigation bar, select Setup & Administration, then select Templates Management.
  3. Select a template that you own (your username must be listed in the Owner column).
  4. Click Make Template Private Make Private icon or Make Template Public Make Public icon.
    Templates page with row selected and Make Private icon noted
  5. Note that the icon in the Public Visibility? has changed.

Template Ownership and Visibility

The Templates Management screen displays ownership and visibility for available templates.


The template owner is the STA username that created the template. You cannot change the ownership. For predefined templates, the owner is always "STA". Operators or Administrators can modify, rename, delete, and assign default status to any templates they own.


A template's visibility determines who can see and use the template. The template owner can change visibility to either public or private:

  • Public – All STA usernames can use the template. STA predefined templates are always public. Operators or Administrators can use, modify, and delete any templates that have public visibility, even if they are owned by another STA username.
  • Private – Only the STA username that own the template can use it.