Add a Partition

Create a partition and name it before adding resources to the partition. The library supports 16 partitions.

  1. Click Partitioning in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Click Create New Partition Create New Partition icon.

    If the Create New Partition icon is grayed-out Create New Partition icon greyed-out, you need to enable partitioning.

  3. Enter the Partition Attributes, and then click Ok to create the partition.
    • Partition Name – Limit of 20 characters.
    • Drive Auto Clean – If selected, this enables library-managed drive cleaning for drives within the partition. If not selected, the host software must manage drive cleaning.
    • Volume Label Format – Controls presentation of the storage cell volsers.
    • Initial Control State – The initial state of the partition. An “Online" partition can respond to client requests. An "Offline" partition will reject all client requests until you set it "Online".
    • SCSI Access Enabled – "Yes" means only SCSI clients can access the partition. "No" means only StorageTek Library Control Interface (SCI) clients can access the partition. See also .
    • Fast-Load Type – Defines how the partition handles replying to mount requests.
      • Normal (default) – The library will reply to a mount request only after the selected tape is loaded and threaded in the drive.
      • Fast – The library will reply to a mount request after the selected tape is inserted into the drive, but before loading and threading completes.
    • CAP Pool Name – Select the CAP pool from the list. In order to import/export tapes, you must assign a CAP pool to the partition.
  4. A newly created partition does not have any resources assigned to it. You must move cells and drives into the partition.