Calculate Physical Storage Capacity

The physical capacity of the library depends on the configuration and location of modules within the library string.

Use the table below to calculate the storage cell capacity of a library (excluding system cells). For each module in the library, start with the standard cell count. Then, either add or subtract based on the module's position and add-on options. Finally, add the cell counts of each module together to get the total capacity of the library.

When adding drive arrays, the first number is the change in capacity if there is no module to the left. The second number is if there is a module to the left (when facing the CAP-side of the library).

When adding a CAP to the Drive Module, the -39 is the change in capacity when there is no module to the right, and -78 is the change in capacity when there is a module to the right

Physical Configuration Base Module Drive Module Cartridge Module Parking Module Access Module

Standard cell count






2nd Drive Array

-55 (if no module to left)

-66 (if module to left)

-55 (if no module to left)

-66 (if module to left)




3rd Drive Array

-60 (if no module to left)

-72 (if module to left)

-60 (if no module to left)

-72 (if module to left)




4th Drive Array


-65 (if no module to left)

-78 (if module to left)




Module to Left






Module to Right








-39 (if no module to right)

-77 (if module to right)


   -78 (for left PEM only)


Capacity Calculation Example 1

This example library has a Parking Module, Drive Module, Cartridge Module, Base Module, Cartridge Module, and Parking Module.

Left Parking Module

Contains a CAP. There is a module to the right.

308 (standard) - 78 (CAP) + 0 (module to right) = 230

Drive Module

Contains a CAP and four drive arrays. There is a module to the right and left.

378 (standard) – 78 (CAP with module to right) – 66 (2nd drive array) – 72 (3rd drive array) – 78 (4th drive array) + 52 (module to right) + 88 (module to left) = 224

Left Cartridge Module

There is a module to the right and left.

516 (standard) + 0 (module to right) + 104 (module to left) = 620

Base module

Contains three drive arrays. There are modules to the right and left.

339 (standard) – 66 (2nd drive array) – 72 (3rd drive array) + 13 (module to right) + 88 (module to left) = 302

Right Cartridge Module

Contains a CAP. There is a module to the right and left.

516 (standard) – 78 (CAP) + 0 (module to right) + 104 (module to left) = 542

Right Parking Module

308 (standard) + 4 (module to left) = 312

Library Total

230 (Parking Module) + 224 (Drive Module) + 620 (Cartridge Module) + 302 (Base Module) + 542 (Cartridge Module) + 312 (Parking Module) = 2,230

Capacity Calculation Example 2

This example library has a Base (in center) and seven Cartridge Modules on each side of the Base (15 modules total). This represents the maximum storage capacity for an SL4000.

Base module

Contains one drive array. There is a module to the right and left.

339 (standard) + 13 (module to right) + 88 (module to left) = 440

Cartridge Modules

Left-most Cartridge Module: 516 (standard) + 0 (module to right) = 516

Right-most Cartridge Module: 516 (standard) + 104 (module to left) = 620

All other Cartridge Modules: 516 (standard) + 104 (module to left) + 0 (module to right) = 620

Library Total

440 (Base) + 516 (left-most Cartridge Module) + 620 (right-most Cartridge Module) + 12 x 620 (other Cartridge Modules) = 9,016

Capacity Calculation Example 3

This example library has a Cartridge Module, Base Module, Drive Module, another Cartridge Module, and a single Access Module on the right for bulk loading.

Oracle does not recommend installing a single Access Module on the right. If the Access Module was installed on the left end of the library, 104 additional cells would be accessible in the far left Cartridge Module.

Left Cartridge Module

Module is on the left end of the library. There is a module to the right.

516 (standard) = 516

Base module

Contains two drive arrays. There are modules to the right and left.

339 (standard) + 13 (module to right) + 88 (module to left) – 66 (2nd drive array) = 374

Drive Module

Contains three drive arrays. There is a module to the right and left.

378 (standard) + 13 (module to right) + 88 (module to left) – 66 (2nd drive array) – 72 (3rd drive array) = 341

Right Cartridge Module

This is a module to the right and left.

516 (standard) + 0 (module to right) + 104 (module to left) = 620

Access Module

Module is on the right end of the library (not recommended for single Access Module).

0 (standard) = 0

Library Total

516 (left Cartridge Module) + 374 (Base) + 341 (Drive Module) + 620 (right Cartridge Module) + 0 (Access Module) = 1,851