Cartridge Storage Capacity

The number of cartridges the library can hold depends the configuration. There are two types of capacity: physical and activated.

  • Physical Capacity — The number of storage cells in the library, excluding reserved system cells. Physical storage capacity can range from 300 to 9,017 cells and 1 to 120 drives. Oracle recommends adding physical capacity in advance to meet future storage needs. Although modules can be added at any time, adding a module is disruptive to library operations.
  • Activated Capacity — the number of tapes allowed in the library as defined by the cumulative amount of capacity hardware activation files installed on the library. Use the GUI to install the capacity activation files. Unlike the SL3000, the SL4000 does not designate active and inactive cells. The capacity activation files only limit the total number of tapes allowed in the library. The total tape count displayed in the GUI excludes tapes in the system cells.


    If the library contains more tapes than installed capacity activation files, the library will continue to function. However, it is illegal to use unactivated capacity. Either eject tapes or purchase and install another capacity activation file.