Delete a Partition

Delete a partition to remove the definition from the GUI partitioning list. You can only delete a partition if it contains no storage cells or drive bays.

  1. Move all storage cells and drive bays to another partition.


    To quickly reassign all the cells in a module that belong to the source partition, choose the By Module selection method, and then click anywhere on the cell map.
  2. On the assign cells summary screen, verify that the partition you want to delete contains zero resources, and then click Apply.
    Partition cell summary with no resources
  3. To delete the empty partition, click Partitioning in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  4. Select the partition in the table, and then click Delete Delete Partition icon. If Delete is grayed-out, you must first move all storage cells and drive bays to another partition.


    Any SCSI hosts assigned to this partition will have their LUNs deleted. Additionally, the library may renumber some LUNs if the host has higher-numbered LUNs than the deleted partition. You will have to reconfigure the host.