Encryption Activation Permits

To use drive-enrolled encryption, each LTO and T10000A/B encrypting drive must have an encryption permit. T10000 C/D drives no longer require permits. You do not need permits to use library-managed encryption.

You can order an encryption activation permit at any time (during initial purchase or afterward).

T10000 Drive Encryption Permits

Enabling drive-enrolled encryption on T10000 A or B drives requires a T10K-EKEY-A-N encryption activation permit. T10000C and D drives no longer require an encryption permit.

LTO Drive Encryption Permits

Drive-enrolled encryption requires an LTO-ENCRYPT-ACTIVE encryption activation permit for each encrypting LTO drive.

Reusing Activation Permits

If you previously purchased an activation permit for an older drive, you can re-use the activation permit when upgrading to a newer generation drive in the same family, as long as the total number of encryption enabled drives does not exceed your total number of activation permits for that family. For example, if you have six LTO-ENCRYPT-ACTIVE activation permits, you can only have a total of six encryption-enabled LTO drives (regardless of generation).

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