Environmental Requirements

For optimal reliability, maintain the environment between the recommended ranges.

Description Temperature Relative Humidity (non-condensing) Wet Bulb Maximum Maximum Altitude


15 to 32°C (60 to 90°F) dry bulb

20% to 80%

Oracle recommends 40% to 50%

29.2°C (84.5°F)

3.05 km (10,000 ft)


10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)

10% to 95%

35.0°C (95.0°F)

3.05 km (10,000 ft)


-40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)

10% to 95%

35.0°C (95.0°F)

15.24 km (50,000 ft)

Airborne Contaminants

Airborne particulates can damage tape libraries, drives, and tapes. The operating environment for the tape library must meet requirements.

  • ISO 14644-1 Class 8 Environment
  • Total mass of airborne particulates must be less than or equal to 200 micrograms per cubic meter
  • Severity level G1 per ANSI/ISA 71.04-1985

Particles ten microns or smaller are particularly harmful to most data processing hardware. Gasses that are particularly dangerous to electronic components include chlorine compounds, ammonia and its derivatives, oxides of sulfur, and petrol hydrocarbons. In the absence of appropriate hardware exposure limits, health exposure limits must be used.

Humidification with chlorinated water is a common source of airborne chlorine. Appropriately-designed carbon filters must be used to ensure safe levels of airborne chlorine when chlorinated water is used for humidification.

Table 2-1 Gas Limit Recommendations


Acetic Acid (CH3COOH)

Not defined

10 ppm

Not defined

Not defined

Ammonia (NH)

3500 µg/m3

350 ppm

25 ppm

Not defined

Chlorine (Cl)

2100 µg/m3

31 ppm (c)

Not defined

0.5 ppm (c)

Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

Not defined

5 ppm (c)

Not defined

Not defined

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

50 µg/m3

320 ppm (c)

10 ppm

10 ppm

Ozone (O3)

235 µg/m3

30.1 ppm

Not defined

Not defined

Petrol-hydrocarbons (CnHn)

Not defined

500 ppm

75 ppm

300 ppm

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

80 µg/m3

35 ppm

2 ppm

0.5 ppm (c)

Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)

Not defined

1 ppm

Not defined

1 ppm (c)

Some basic precautions to follow:

  • Do not allow food or drink into the data center.
  • Do not store cardboard, wood, or packing materials in the data center clean area.
  • Identify a separate area for unpacking new equipment from crates and boxes.
  • Do not allow construction or drilling in the data center without first isolating sensitive equipment. Dry wall and gypsum are especially damaging to equipment.

Seismic or Earthquake Ratings

For sites in areas of seismic activity, you might want to permanently fix the library position for added stability.

The requirements for seismic compatibility vary dramatically throughout the world. Therefore, Oracle does not offer a standard "seismic" feature for the SL4000 library. The library has mounting holes in the floor of each module where you can use half-inch carriage bolts (mounting studs) to permanently fix the library's position. If you have seismic concerns, Oracle recommends that you work with local experts who are familiar with the local code and requirements. Professional Services can also help coordinate this activity.


Consult a qualified seismic engineer to verify seismic zone exposures and adequate site preparation.