Move or Mount a Tape Cartridge

Move a tape from a cell or drive to an empty cell, drive, or CAP cell.

  1. The User and Operator role can only move a tape to a cell within the same partition. The Administrator and service roles can move tapes between two offline partitions and into system cells or drives or CAPs. Take note of what your role can do before proceeding.
  2. If moving a tape between two partitions, take both affected partitions offline. Moving cartridges in online partitions using the GUI is disruptive to host applications and is not allowed.


    Moving a cartridge between partitions may confuse some applications requiring you to re-sync the application with the library.
  3. Select the tape from the GUI tapes table or cell map.
  4. From the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Move Tape.
    • If moving the tape to a drive, the destination drop-down only displays empty, compatible drives.
    • If moving the tape to a CAP, the destination drop-down only displays locked CAPs. You cannot move a tape into a CAP owned by another partition.
    • If moving a tape from a drive, the first option in the destination drop-down is the home cell.
  5. Select the destination. If moving to or from a drive, select the options below.
    • Force unload — When selected, the drive stops any in-process read or write operations and unloads the tape. Generally, only perform a force unload if there is a problem with the drive. This operation is disruptive.
    • Read-only mount — When selected, the drive only reads the tape and rejects any write commands. LTO drives do not support this feature.

How the Library Avoids Conflicting Move Requests Between SCSI, SCI, and the GUI

The ability for SCSI, SCI, and the GUI to request a cartridge move depends on the partition online/offline state and if the partition is SCSI enabled.

Interface Type Requesting the Move Partition Online, SCSI Enabled Partition Online, SCSI Disabled Partition Offline, SCSI Enabled Partition Offline, SCSI Disabled



Not possible

Not allowed

Not possible


Not allowed


Not allowed

Not allowed


Not allowed

Not allowed

