View the Cell Map

Use the cell map to view the current location of tapes and drives in the library.

  1. Click Library in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Click a module. A green arrow Selected module indicator indicates the currently selected module.
  3. Hover over a cell to view the cell address, partition assignment, tape type, and so on. Click a cell to view more options:

Cell Map Legend

Various symbols depict the type of cell within the cell map.

Cell Map Icon Meaning

Cartridge icon

Tape. Indicates cell is occupied or drive is mounted.

Empty cartridge cell icon

Tape cell.

Emptry CAP cell icon

CAP cell.

Emptry system cell icon

Reserved system cell, generally used to store cleaning and diagnostic tapes. Hosts cannot access these cells.

Empty drive icon


Empty drive slot icon

Empty drive bay.