View a Graph of Device Telemetry Data

Some devices in the library periodically collect time-stamped measurements. View a graph of the telemetry data to analyze device performance.

  1. Click Hardware in the left-navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Select a device from the device tree. You can view telemetry for the following:
    • Library Controller
    • Robot
    • Drive
    • Root Switch
    • Drive Switch
    • Fan assembly
    • DC power controller
  3. Use the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu) to select Device Telemetry, and then select a type of measurement.
  4. By default, the graph shows the past three days of telemetry data. Adjust this time span by clicking the buttons above the graph.
  5. For further analysis of telemetry data, you can download the graph's source data in CSV format, and then import the data into a graphing application of your choice.

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