View Library Requests, Jobs, and Resources

Use the Requests page to monitor all requests to the library and to view the resulting jobs created by the library to handle the requests.

Every external command to the library (SCSI, SCI, GUI, SNMP, GET) and many internal actions will result in a request. As the library executes requests, it generates "request output messages" which describe the actions taken by the library or any errors encountered. You can view theses messages in the GUI.

Some library requests generate jobs. For example, moving a tape from one cell to another would generate a parent "Move" job and two sub-jobs: "Fetch" and "Put". Jobs allocate cells, devices (robots, drives, and so on), and rail segments. Only one job at a time can use each resource. Use the Jobs and Resources page to monitor library activity.

  1. Click Activity in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Click the Requests tab, Jobs tab, or the Resources tab.
  3. To view more information: Select a row in the table, and then from the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Details.

    For Requests, the Details screen shows several tabs:

    • Details - summary of detailed information about the request.
    • Output Messages - the list of request messages generated as the library processed the request
    • Log Messages - (selected roles only) log message that references the request.

    For Jobs, you can select Request Details to view information about the parent request that spawned the job. If a Download button is present, then you can save the entire Details or open it in an application.

  4. To only view active requests or jobs, filter for 'Active' in the Status column.