Audit the Library

During an audit the robot checks each cartridge slot, recording cartridge labels and locations to create a tape catalog.

The library must audit whenever tapes are manually moved (meaning moved with human intervention) so that it can update the catalog. The library automatically performs an audit whenever it powers up or whenever you reinsert magazines. Normally, host applications request audits. However, you can audit the library from the remote interface, but you should avoid this, if possible, as it interrupts host operations.

To manually initiate an audit:

  1. From the remote interface, select Library in the left menu.
  2. From the Library drop-down menu Library drop-down icon, select Audit Library.
  3. Optionally, select Set the Library back Online ...
  4. To take the library offline, start the audit, and close the dialog, press OK.
  5. If you did not check the Set the Library back Online ... checkbox, remember to bring the library back online once you are ready.

Monitor an Audit in Progress

Track the progress of the audit on the Library screen of the remote interface.

The duration of an audit depends on the size of the library. For example, a 30-slot library can take about 7 minutes to audit. You can monitor the progress of an audit.
  1. In the remote interface, select Library in the left menu.
    Grayed-out cartridge icons represent unaudited slots. As the audit progresses, audited slots return to their normal appearance.
  2. Hover over a slot to show the current cartridge label information.