Configure Email Notifications

Email notifications send automatic alerts whenever the library state or health changes.

Enable or Disable Email Notifications

Enable or disable email notifications using the remote interface.

  1. From the remote interface, select Email Alerts in the left menu.
  2. Click Configure Configure icon.
  3. Set Email Alerts to On (Enabled) or Off (Disabled).
  4. If enabling email alerts, enter the following information:
    • SMTP Host Address — IP address of the Simple Mail Transport Protocol server that will handle outgoing mail for the library.

    • SMTP Port — The network port used by your SMTP server. The default is 25, but you may choose any non-reserved port. Reserved ports include 0, 22, 80, 67, 68, 123, 514, 546, 547, 161, 162, and all ports in the range 33200-33500.

    • From Name — The name that should appear in the sender field of the email. The default is "Library Alert".

    • From Email — The email address that should appear in the sender field of the email.

    • Secure Connection — Select TLS unless the network does not support TLS. SSL is an older protocol that offers less protection. None provides no cryptographic protection.

    • If using TLS or SSL, enter a user name and password.

Configure Email Recipients

The library sends notifications only to configured recipients.

  1. From the remote interface, select Email Alerts in the left menu.
  2. Click Add Recipient Add Recipient icon, or select a recipient and click Edit Recipient Edit Recipient icon or Delete Email Recipient Delete Recipient icon.
    • Alert on Health and/or Change — When selected, the library will notify the recipient when the library health status changes.

Send a Test Email Alert

Send a test email to verify that email notifications are properly configured.

  1. From the remote interface, select Email Alerts in the left menu.
  2. Select a recipient, and then click Send Test Email Send Test Email icon.