Configure Network Port 1

Port 1 is primarily used for sending UI, SNMP, and email alerts (SMTP) traffic.

  1. Enter the desired library name in the Host Name field.
    Valid host names contain characters in the ranges [A-Z], [a-z], and [0-9], plus the hyphen (-). A hyphen cannot be the first or last character in the host name. Spaces and underscores (_) are not supported.
  2. From the "Configure Network for" drop-down list select either:IPv4 only or IPv4 and IPv6
  3. From the "Configure IPv4" drop-down list select either:
    • Static — You must enter the Address, Netmask, and Gateway. In most cases, you will want to choose Static so that library interface clients can always find the server at a stable, well-known network location.
    • DHCP — A DHCP server must be running on your network to use this setting.
  4. From the "Configure IPv6:" drop-down list select either:
    • Static — You must enter the Address, Prefix Length, and Gateway. In general, if your DNS (Domain Name Service) supports IPv6 addresses, select Static so that library interface clients can always find the server at a stable, well-known network location.
    • Stateless (SLAAC) — If DNS does not support IPv6 addresses, select Stateless (SLAAC). With a stateless address, library interface clients can find the server at an address based on the unique MAC (media access control) address of the network interface card in the robot/controller assembly. A stateless address will not change unless the robot has to be replaced
    • DHCPv6 — If a DHCPv6 server is available on your network, you can select DHCPv6. Be aware the network address of the library user interface will change.
  5. Click Next.