Configure Network Port 2

Optionally, configure Network Port 2 for library managed encryption (LME).

LME requires library code 3.50 and above. Configuring Port 2 will force LME through Port 2 only. Leaving the Port 2 configuration set to the default will for LME through Port 1 only (if you enable LME).


Do not configure Port 2 for any other use than with LME, otherwise you may encounter issues. If you are not using LME, Oracle recommends that you leave Port 2 set to the defaults. See Behavior of Library Port 1 and Port 2 with LME for more information.
  1. From the Network Port 2 list, select On or Off.

    The library supports Port 2 being on the same subnet as the KMA IPv4 addresses. Entering a gateway is not required if Port 2 and the KMA are on the same subnet. You should enter a gateway that can reach all OKM cluster KMA's.


    You must configure Port 2 with a different subnet than Port 1 to create a secure and private network connection to pass the encryption keys between the library and the OKM cluster.
  2. From the "Configure IPv4" drop-down list select either:
    • Static — You must enter the Address, Netmask, and Gateway. In most cases, you will want to choose Static so that library interface clients can always find the server at a stable, well-known network location.
    • DHCP — A DHCP server must be running on your network to use this setting.
  3. Click Next.