Prepare Diagnostic, Cleaning, and Data Tape Cartridges

Prepare cartridges before importing them into the library.

Prepare a Diagnostic Tape Cartridge

Diagnostic cartridges are specially labeled data cartridges used for testing library robotics and drives. You can purchase diagnostic cartridges or you can create them by applying an Oracle-supplied diagnostic label to any available, blank LTO tape. Oracle recommends that you have a diagnostic tape on hand during system configuration and at all times thereafter, if possible.

To create a diagnostic cartridge, apply the DG  label from the library's accessory kit to a blank LTO data cartridge.

Prepare Cleaning Tape Cartridges

Universal cleaning cartridges carry the media descriptor CU. Note that Oracle strongly recommends universal cleaning tapes and requires their use with library-managed drive cleaning. Apply the appropriate label to the cleaning cartridge. Labels for universal cleaning cartridges take the form CLNUxxCU, where CLNU is a descriptive prefix, xx is a sequence number, and CU is the media descriptor for universal cleaning media.

Prepare the Data Tape Cartridges

Locate the correct label for the data tape and apply the label. Make sure that the label's media ID matches the cartridge type.

If you need to configure the library for a non-standard labeling scheme, see Support for Non-Standard Label Formats.