Adding an Action for a Specific Threshold Alert (BUI)

This procedure describes how to add an alert action for threshold alerts for specific statistic events.

If the specific threshold alert does not require a unique response, you can use the Thresholds category in the procedure Adding an Alert Action (BUI) to specify alert actions that execute for high-level threshold events, such as a violated statistic threshold.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Alerts.
  2. Click the Threshold alerts tab.

    If the threshold event alert for which you want to add an alert action does not already exist, use the procedure Adding a Threshold Alert (BUI) to add the threshold alert. You can add alert actions when you create the threshold alert, and then skip the remaining steps in this procedure.

  3. Select the threshold alert for which you want to add an alert action.

    Double-click the alert or hover over the alert and click the edit icon image showing the edit icon .

  4. In the Alert actions section of the dialog box, select the action to take when this threshold alert is sent.

    Most of the actions have arguments. For example, you might have to specify an email recipient, or select a dataset or workflow.

  5. Optional: Click the TEST button to create a test alert, and to execute this alert action.

    For example, a test can be useful for checking whether email or SNMP is configured correctly.

  6. Optional: To specify additional actions for this threshold event alert, click the add icon image showing the add icon in the Alert actions section title.

    Select the action and specify arguments.

  7. Click APPLY at the top right of the dialog box.