Adding an Action for a Specific Threshold Alert (CLI)

This procedure describes how to add an alert action for threshold alerts for specific statistic events. The thresholds category requires that you specify an existing threshold event alert.

If the specific threshold alert does not require a unique response, you can use the thresholds category in the procedure Adding an Alert Action (CLI) to specify alert actions that execute for high-level threshold events, such as a violated statistic threshold.

  1. Get the threshold alert UUID.
    1. Go to configuration alerts thresholds and enter the list command.

      If the threshold event alert for which you want to add an alert action does not already exist, use the procedure Adding a Threshold Alert (CLI) to add the threshold alert.

    2. Enter select threshold-### for the threshold alert for which you want to add an alert action.
    3. Enter get uuid, copy that threshold alert UUID, and enter done.
  2. Go to configuration alerts actions and enter the list command.

    Do the following if an alert action that has a UUID that matches the UUID from step 1 does not already exist.

    1. Enter create.
    2. Enter set category=thresholds.
    3. Enter set thresholdid=uuid, where uuid is the UUID that you copied in step 1.
    4. Enter commit.

    If an alert action that has a UUID that matches the UUID from step 1 already exists, you can specify an additional action for this alert.

  3. Select the alert action that has a UUID that matches the UUID from step 1.
  4. Set the alert handler. Enter action, and then enter get.

    The default handler is email. If you want a different handler, enter set handler= followed by a tab character to see the list of possible handlers.

  5. Set values for any handler arguments.

    Enter get again to see the list of arguments, if any, for the specified handler.

    Most of the actions have arguments. For example, you might have to specify an email recipient, dataset, or workflow.

  6. Enter commit.

    Enter list to confirm that the action is correct.

  7. Enter done.

    Enter list to view the list of actions.