Changing a Share Encryption Key (BUI)

You can change the encryption key for a share at any time, even while it is in use by client systems. By default, shares inherit encryption keys from the parent project. You can change a key for a share without changing the key for the parent project.

  1. From the Shares menu, select Shares.
  2. Select Filesystems or LUNs.
  3. To find the share that you want to change, click Show All, Local, or Replica.
  4. Move your cursor over the share that you want to change, and click the edit icon image showing the edit icon .

    The share properties are displayed.

  5. If necessary, uncheck Inherit from project.

    If Inherit from project is checked, the key can only be modified from the parent project.

  6. To change the encryption key, select the keystore and the key that you want to use.
  7. Click APPLY.

    When you click APPLY, your changes are saved and the new key appears in the Encryption key area.