Configuring an All-Flash Storage Pool (CLI)

An all-flash storage pool utilizes SSDs as data devices and optional log devices, but does not contain read cache or meta devices. All-flash pools are suitable for virtualization environments or backup workloads.

Before You Begin


Do not perform a pool configuration operation while a disk firmware upgrade is occurring. To check if an upgrade is in progress, navigate to maintenance system updates.
  1. Verify SSDs are correctly attached and functioning.

    If any devices are missing or malfunctioning, make the necessary corrections.


    An all-flash pool cannot contain read cache devices or meta devices.
  2. Go to configuration storage, enter config and a unique name for the pool:
    hostname:configuration storage> config allflashpool

    Instructions and subcommands that can be used in this context are displayed.

  3. Enter show to view the available devices for the pool.
    hostname:configuration storage verify> show
           ID    STATUS   ALLOCATION    DATA          LOG           CACHE       RPM    TYPE
           --    -------   ----------   -----------   -----------   ----------- -----  ------
            0    ok       custom        0             0             0                  system
            1    ok       custom        0/7   3.46T   0/2   373G    0                  ssd
            2    ok       custom        0/24  6.55T   0             0                  ssd
                                        -----------   -----------   -----------
                                        0             0             0
  4. Enter help properties to list the available properties:
    hostname:configuration storage verify> help properties
      0                    => Chassis 0
      1-data               => Chassis 1 data
      1-log                => Chassis 1 log
      2                    => Chassis 2
      2-data               => Chassis 2 data
  5. Enter set [1-data = | 2-data=] to assign the devices to a pool, as shown in this example:
    hostname:configuration storage verify> set 1-data=3 2-data=3
                            1-data = 3
                            2-data = 3

    This example assigns 3 devices from chassis 1 (1-data=3) and 3 devices from chassis 2 (2-data=3) to the pool.

  6. Optional: Select log devices to add to the all-flash pool.
  7. Enter done to close verify.
    hostname:configuration storage verify> done
  8. Enter show to view the available storage profile types:
    hostname:configuration storage config> show
  9. Enter set profile= to specify the data profile appropriate for your workload, that balances performance, availability, and capacity.

    For a description of available profiles, see Data Profiles for Storage Pools.

    hostname:configuration storage config> set profile=


    For mandatory file retention, the storage pool profile must provide redundancy. Therefore, the striped profile cannot be used with storage pools that will contain files with the mandatory file retention policy. For more information, see File Retention Management.
  10. Optional: If you allocated log devices, select an appropriate profile.
  11. Enter done.
    hostname:configuration storage config> done

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