Configuring LOCAL Keystore Encryption (CLI)

To configure encryption using the LOCAL keystore, first set up the master passphrase, and then create keys. For information about encryption properties, see Encryption Properties.

  1. Configure LOCAL keystore encryption.

    To configure LOCAL keystore encryption, set the master passphrase.

    hostname:> shares encryption
    hostname:shares encryption> show
                                local => Manage LOCAL keystore
                                  okm => Register keys with Oracle Key Manager
    hostname:shares encryption> local
    hostname:shares encryption local> show
                 master_passphrase =
                           keys => Manage this Keystore's Keys
    hostname:shares encryption local> set master_passphrase
    Enter new master_passphrase:
    Re-enter new master_passphrase:
                 master_passphrase = (set) (uncommitted)
    b7420-16m:shares encryption local> commit
    b7420-16m:shares encryption local> show
                 master_passphrase = (set)
                           keys => Manage this Keystore's Keys
  2. Create a LOCAL key.

    To create a key, enter a key name. The value of the keyname property is the name used in the CLI and BUI when assigning a key to a pool, project, or share.

    You can either leave the key property empty, and the system will generate a random key value, or you can enter a hex-encoded, raw 256-bit key value. In the following example, the system generates the key value.

    The key is stored in an encrypted form using the master passphrase from step 1.

    hostname:shares encryption local> keys
    hostname:shares encryption local keys> show
    NAME     CREATED               CIPHER KEYNAME
                            cipher = AES
                               key =
                           keyname = (unset)
    hostname:shares encryption local> create
    hostname:shares encryption local key-000 (uncommitted)> set keyname=Key-0
                           keyname = Key-0 (uncommitted)
    hostname:shares encryption local key-000 (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:shares encryption local keys> show
    NAME     CREATED               CIPHER KEYNAME
    key-000  2019-7-1 18:43:33     AES    Key-0
    hostname:shares encryption local keys> select key-000
    hostname:shares encryption local key-000> show
                            cipher = AES
                               key = ce968122d0bba26c3d66b6985ee358d18a786607f80eb4ebd834e4404fe8aa84
                           keyname = Key-0