Creating a Single Port Interface (BUI)

Use this procedure to configure a single port network interface.

Before You Begin

At least one datalink must already exist. To create a datalink, see Configuring a Network Datalink (BUI).

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Network, then Configuration.
  2. Drag a datalink from the Datalinks list to the Interfaces list, or click the Interface add item icon image showing add item icon image .
  3. In the Network Interface dialog box, set the desired properties.
    • Name - Type a name for the interface. You might want the interface name to indicate that this is a management interface.

    • Enable Interface - Select this check box to enable the interface.

    • Use IPv4 Protocol or Use IPv6 Protocol - Select a protocol, its type of address, and enter one or more IP addresses in CIDR notation.

    For the Allow Administration property, see Configuring a Management Interface (BUI).

  4. Choose a datalink from the Datalinks list.
  5. Click APPLY in the Network Interface dialog box.

    The interface appears in the Interfaces list.

  6. Click APPLY in the upper-right corner of the Configuration: Network: Configuration page.

    The running appliance network configuration does not change until you perform this step.

Next Steps

  • Repeat this procedure for as many IPs as needed. Ownership of an interface is defined by the node that the interface was created on. If this is a clustered configuration, create interfaces on the second controller.
  • To modify this interface, double-click the interface or hover over the interface and click the edit icon image showing the edit icon , make the changes, and click the APPLY button.
  • To delete this interface, hover over the interface, click the delete icon image showing the delete icon , and confirm that you want to delete this interface.


When an interface is deleted, all routes associated with the interface are also removed.