Defining a Cloud Target (BUI)

After enabling the cloud data service, you can create a cloud target, which is the combination of location, bucket, and data bucket. Each cloud target uses HTTPS certificates assigned to the cloud data service from the system's trust chain and any other uploaded trusted certificates assigned to the service. For information about assigning a certificate to the cloud data service, see Assigning a Certificate to a Service (BUI).

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services.
  2. Under Data Services, click Cloud.
  3. Optional: To set the TLS version and ciphers, go to tab Properties, click the edit icon image showing the edit icon for SSL/TLS Versions and Ciphers, and complete the dialog box.
  4. Go to tab Targets, and click the add icon image showing the add icon next to Targets.
  5. In the Add Cloud Target dialog box, enter the following configuration information, and click ADD.
    • Name - Your name for this cloud target, which must be unique for your system.

    • Location - The URL for a regional API endpoint (location), such as

    • Use data bucket - Select this check box if your data and metadata will be in different buckets. Data will be saved to the Data Bucket, and metadata will be saved to the Bucket. If you use an archive bucket, the metadata must be saved to a standard bucket.

    • Bucket - An established bucket name. Data can be saved in either a standard or archive bucket. The combination of Location, Bucket, and Data Bucket must be unique for your system. If you selected Use data bucket, this field is for the metadata bucket; if you did not select Use data bucket, this field is for both the metadata and data. To specify a namespace, include it in the bucket name, such as namespace/bucket; for example, export/test2/bucket where export/test2 is the namespace. This can be used to specify a different share name for the target appliance, with the namespace used as the mountpoint.

    • Data Bucket - If you selected Use data bucket, this field is for the data bucket; if you did not select Use data bucket, this field is not available. The combination of Location, Bucket, and Data Bucket must be unique for your system.

    • User - Your user name OCID from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

    • Tenancy - Your tenancy name OCID from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

    • Private Key - Your private key for the account, which must match the public key uploaded to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account. Enter the key in the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.

    • Use web proxy - Select this check box to use a proxy for system communications with the web, and complete the fields for host port name and number. The user name and password fields are optional.

    • Write limit bandwidth (optional) - Select this check box to limit the traffic write bandwidth when uploading a cloud backup to the cloud target. Enter a value and select a unit of measurement. For example, 5 M/s limits writes to the cloud target to 5 megabytes per second.

    • Read limit bandwidth (optional) - Select this check box to limit the traffic read bandwidth when restoring a cloud backup from the cloud target. Enter a value and select a unit of measurement. For example, 4 M/s limits reads from the cloud target to 4 megabytes per second.