Modifying a Cloud Target (BUI)

A cloud target's name and web proxy settings can be modified. Optionally, the write and read limit bandwidths can also be changed.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, then Cloud.
  2. Click the Targets tab.
  3. Hover over the cloud target to modify, and click its edit icon image showing the cloud target edit icon .
  4. Enter values for the desired fields, and click APPLY.
    • Name - Your name for this cloud target, which must be unique for your system.

    • Use web proxy - Select this check box to use a proxy for system communications with the web, and complete the fields for host port name and number. The user name and password fields are optional.

    • Write limit bandwidth (optional) - Select this check box to limit the traffic write bandwidth when uploading a cloud backup to the cloud target. Enter a value and select a unit of measurement. For example, 5 M/s limits writes to the cloud target to 5 megabytes per second.

    • Read limit bandwidth (optional) - Select this check box to limit the traffic read bandwidth when restoring a cloud backup from the cloud target. Enter a value and select a unit of measurement. For example, 4 M/s limits reads from the cloud target to 4 megabytes per second.