Deleting a Cloud Backup (CLI)

After a cloud backup on Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance is no longer needed, delete it using the appliance. Note that after a cloud backup delete operation is started, it cannot be cancelled.

If, on any appliance, a cloud backup restore operation is in progress that includes the cloud backup data, you cannot delete that cloud backup unless you confirm your action.

If the cloud backup is a parent snapshot with cloud backed-up incremental snapshots (children), you can delete the parent cloud backup if the incremental cloud backups were created with the property require_parent_exists (on the cloud target) set to false. If the property require_parent_exists was set to true for any of the incremental snapshots, you cannot delete the parent snapshot from the cloud target. For more information, see Creating a Cloud Backup (CLI).

If the cloud backup contains a share with a snapshot with a retention hold, that snapshot and its share cannot be deleted until the retention hold is released. Therefore, the cloud backup cannot be deleted. However, filesystems, LUNs, and other snapshots within the share can be modified or deleted. For information about modifying a snapshot retention hold, see Editing a Snapshot Retention Policy (CLI).

Filesystem snapshots that contain files created with the file retention feature (not the snapshot retention feature) are subject to the rules governing file retention. For information, see Planning Guidelines for File Retention.

  1. Go to configuration services cloud backups.
    hostname:> configuration services cloud backups
  2. Enter ls to view the properties and cloud backups.

    The Backups list contains completed cloud backups, and is in chronological order.

    hostname:configuration services cloud backups> ls
       total    = 68
       selected = 68
       target   = (unset)
       format   = (unset)
       source   = (unset)
       dataset  = (unset)
    backup-000 2019-8-04 17:14:08 oci-phoenix hostname p1/local/default/fs-1@snap2
    backup 001 2019-8-04 17:25:36 oci-phoenix hostname p1/local/default/fs-1@snap31
  3. Find the cloud backup to delete.
  4. Enter destroy and the cloud backup name.
    hostname:configuration services cloud backups> destroy backup-000
    This will destroy "backup-000". Are you sure? (Y/N)

    You must force the delete action if the cloud backup is a parent snapshot with cloud backed-up incremental snapshots (children) that were created with the property require_parent_exists (on the cloud target) set to false. To do so, enter option -f before the cloud backup name.

    hostname:configuration services cloud backups> destroy -f backup-000
    This will destroy "backup-000". Are you sure? (Y/N)
  5. Confirm your action by entering Y.