Viewing Cloud Jobs (BUI)

The Jobs list contains active and recently completed jobs in the cloud data service, and is in chronological order. You can filter the Jobs list by target name, operation, and status.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, then Cloud.
  2. Click the Jobs tab.
    • Icon to left of job - A green icon indicates a successful job, and a gray icon indicates a cancelled job or an error.

    • Target: Cloud target name.

    • Updates - Date and time that the job was created, and the date and time that the operation was started/updated.

    • Operation - Indicates an operation of backup, restore, or delete.

    • Status - Indicates the completion percentage, the amount of data transferred, and the transfer rate. If a backup operation and the write limit property was set for the cloud target, the write traffic bandwidth is limited to the set value. If a restore operation and the read limit property was set for the cloud target, the read traffic bandwidth is limited to the set value.

  3. To view job details, find and click on a job in the Jobs list.
    • If there are multiple pages of cloud jobs, use the double arrow keys to navigate between the pages. To go to the first page, click the left-facing single arrow key. To go to the last page, click the right-facing single arrow key.

    • To search for a cloud job by target name, operation, and status, click the down-arrow icon image showing the down arrow icon below the search icon image showing the search icon. In the Search dialog box, complete the fields as appropriate, and click APPLY.

      Upon completion, the search criteria and values appear in the search field beside the search icon. To view the entire, unfiltered list again, clear the search field and press Enter.

    • For a description of each detailed cloud job property, see Cloud Properties.

    • When finished viewing the job details, click OK to close the Job Details dialog box.

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Cloud Properties