Deleting a Project (BUI)

You can delete a project with file retention if the project is empty and has an unexpired grace period. If retention is set on an empty project and the grace period is met or not set, you cannot delete the project until the expiration period has been met. A non-empty project cannot be deleted until all retained filesystems within the project have an expired retention value. For more information, see File Retention Management.


Deleting a project destroys all data in the project by deleting its filesystems and LUNs.
  1. From the Shares menu, select Projects.
  2. Hover over the project you want to delete, and click the destroy icon destroy icon image .
  3. Click OK.
  4. To monitor the amount of space to be reclaimed in the storage pool if deferred update Asynchronous Dataset Deletion (OS8.7.0 or later) has been accepted, from the Configuration menu, select Storage, select the appropriate pool, and note the amount of space in field Asynchronous Dataset Destroy.

    When the operation has completed, Asynchronous Dataset Destroy is not displayed.