Downloading Workflows Using the CLI

Use the following procedure to download workflows using the CLI.
  1. Workflows are downloaded to Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance via the download command, which is similar to the mechanism used for software updates:
    hostname:maintenance workflows> download
    hostname:maintenance workflows download (uncommitted)> get
                              url = (unset)
                             user = (unset)
                         password = (unset)
  2. You must set the url property to be a valid URL for the workflow. This may be either local to your network or over the internet. The URL can be either HTTP (beginning with "http://") or FTP (beginning with "ftp://"). If user authentication is required, it may be a part of the URL (for example, "ftp://myusername:mypasswd@myserver/export/foo"), or you may leave the username and password out of the URL and instead set the user and password properties.
    hostname:maintenance workflows download (uncommitted)> set url=ftp://foo/example1.akwf
                              url = ftp://foo/example1.akwf
    hostname:maintenance workflows download (uncommitted)> set user=bmc
                             user = bmc
    hostname:maintenance workflows download (uncommitted)> set password
    Enter password: 
                         password = (set)
    hostname:maintenance workflows download (uncommitted)> commit
    Transferred 138 of 138 (100%) ... done