Listing Workflows Using the CLI

Use the following procedure to list workflows using the CLI.
  1. To list workflows, use the list command from the maintenance workflows context:
    hostname:maintenance workflows> list
    WORKFLOW     NAME                           OWNER SETID ORIGIN        VERSION
    workflow-018 Check metaslab_unload_delay    root  false Oracle ZFSSA  1.0
    workflow-019 Check metaslab_unload_timeout  root  false Oracle ZFSSA  1.0
    workflow-020 Example 9                      root  true  <local>       1.0
    workflow-021 Set DNLC size and ncsize       root  false Data and App  2.0
    workflow-022 Stop Existing SSH Sessions     root  false <local>       0.2
  2. To select a workflow, use the select command:
    hostname:maintenance workflows> select workflow-018
    hostname:maintenance workflow-018>
  3. To get a workflow's properties, use the get command from within the context of the selected workflow:
    hostname:maintenance workflow-018> get
                              name = Check metaslab_unload_delay
                       description = Check the value of the metaslab_unload_delay property
                              uuid = uuid
                          checksum = checksum
                       installdate = 2019-5-8 20:54:33
                             owner = root
                            origin = Oracle ZFSSA
                             setid = false
                             alert = false
                           version = 1.0
                         scheduled = true