Disk Shelf Allowable Configurations and Load Priority

The following are allowable configurations for additional Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelf pairs:

  • 20 SSD or HDD data drives and up to 4 SSD log or read cache devices

  • 20 SSD or HDD data drives and 2 SSD log or read cache devices

  • 24 SSD or HDD data drives

The placement of Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelves follows this priority:

  1. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelves with SSD log devices

  2. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelves with SSD read cache devices

  3. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelves without SSD log or read cache devices

In all cases, the placement of SSD log devices takes precedence over SSD read cache devices, and the placement is always in disk shelf pairs. SSD log and read cache devices can be installed into Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24 disk shelves in slots 20, 21, 22, and 23 in that order of priority.

Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24P Disk Shelf Drive Locations (Front View)

This image shows the Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24P drive locations.

Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24C Disk Shelf Drive Locations (Front View)

This image shows the Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE3-24C drive locations.