Managing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service User Keys (BUI)

This procedure describes how to use the BUI to create a user key, set operations permissions for a user key, or delete a user key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service for the HTTP protocol.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services.
  2. Under Data Services, click HTTP.
  3. Click the OCI tab.
  4. Click the add icon Image showing the add icon next to Keys to create a new user key.
    1. In the New Key dialog box, enter a user name, a public key, and an optional comment.

      The user name is the OCID of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account user and is also a valid data user on the appliance. A data user is a user that is allowed to access data protocols. The user does not need to be an appliance administrator.

      The public key is a 392-character base64 string that corresponds to an RSA public key in PEM format.

    2. Click ADD.

    The Keys list displays the generated fingerprint for the new key.

    • A unique fingerprint is generated for each different key that is entered by the same user.

    • The same fingerprint is generated for a key that is entered by different users.

  5. Optional: Change operations permissions for a user key.

    Permissions control a user's ability to perform operations on resources. For more information, see Permissions Required for Each API Operation.

    1. Hover over the entry for the key that you want to change, and click the edit icon Image showing the edit icon .

      The Edit Key Permissions dialog box opens.

    2. In the Edit Key Permissions dialog box, check the box to the left of each permission that you want enabled for this user key.
    3. Click OK.
  6. To delete a key, hover over the entry for the key you want to delete, and click the trash icon Image showing the destroy icon .