Managing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service User Keys (CLI)

This procedure describes how to use the CLI to create a user key, set operations permissions for a user key, or delete a user key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service for the HTTP protocol.

  1. Go to the oci keys node of the HTTP service.
    hostname:> configuration services http oci keys
    hostname:configuration services http oci keys> list
    key-000 2019-6-19 15:25:42  usr1  key-000-fingerprint
    key-001 2019-7-8  16:01:18  usr2  key-001-fingerprint
  2. Use the create command to create a new user key.
    hostname:configuration services http oci keys> create

    Provide a user name, a public key, and an optional comment.

    1. Set the user name.

      The user name is the OCID of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account user and is also a valid data user on the appliance. A data user is a user that is allowed to access data protocols. The user does not need to be an appliance administrator.

      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002 (uncommitted)> set user=usr3
                                user = usr3 (uncommitted)
    2. Use the setkey command to set the key.

      The public key is a 392-character base64 string that corresponds to an RSA public key in PEM format. The key is echoed in correct PEM format for visual verification.

      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002 (uncommitted)> setkey
      ("." to end)> -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
      ("." to end)> MIIBITANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ4AMIIBCQKCAQBqm2f5LPGIe9Nc6QiA+1Sb
      ("." to end)> ...
      ("." to end)> Bg/rj3IO97yXax+l8hIwCI6uNzgye7bUSQF6BNyEuNazW8VbCJPwnTdbWknKoSXh
      ("." to end)> AgMBAAEa
      ("." to end)> -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      ("." to end)> .
  3. Optional: Provide a comment.
    hostname:configuration services http oci key-002 (uncommitted)> set comment=dev
                           comment = dev (uncommitted)
  4. Commit the changes.
    hostname:configuration services http oci key-002 (uncommitted)> commit
    Here is the fingerprint associated with the registered public key.
    Fingerprint: key-002-fingerprint

    The Keys list displays the generated fingerprint for the new key.

    • A unique fingerprint is generated for each different key that is entered by the same user.

    • The same fingerprint is generated for a key that is entered by different users.

  5. Optional: Change operations permissions for a user key.

    Permissions control a user's ability to perform operations on resources. See the Permissions Required for Each API Operation for more information.

    1. Select a key.

      A specific key can be selected in either of the following ways:

      • By key name, such as key-000.

      • By both username and fingerprint. A username or a fingerprint could match more than one key. Even if the username or fingerprint is unique in the current configuration, you must specify both to select the key.

      To select a key, use one of the following commands:

      hostname:configuration services http oci keys> select keyname
      hostname:configuration services http oci keys> select user=username fingerprint=fingerprint

      Select the new key and show its permissions properties.

      hostname:configuration services http oci keys> select key-002
      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002> ls
                                user = usr3
                         fingerprint = key-002-fingerprint
                             comment = dev
                      namespace_read = true
                       bucket_create = true
                       bucket_update = true
                         bucket_read = true
                      bucket_inspect = true
                       bucket_delete = true
                       object_create = true
                    object_overwrite = true
                         object_read = true
                      object_inspect = true
                       object_delete = true
               object_version_delete = true
                          par_manage = true
               retention_rule_manage = true
                 retention_rule_lock = true
    2. Disable or enable specific permissions.

      The following example disables the object_version_delete permission for the selected key.

      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002> set object_version_delete=false
               object_version_delete = false (uncommitted)
    3. Commit the changes.
      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002> commit
      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002> get object_version_delete
               object_version_delete = false
      hostname:configuration services http oci key-002> done
  6. To delete a key, use the destroy command.

    Enter destroy keyname , and then enter y to confirm the key deletion.

    hostname:configuration services http oci keys> destroy key-000
    This will delete key "key-000". Are you sure? (Y/N) y