Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 CPUs and Memory Riser Card

The four CPU sockets are located in the middle of the Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 controller and are designated consecutively from right to left (from the front of the controller). The rightmost socket is CPU-0 and is designated as P0, and the leftmost socket is CPU-3, designated as P3.

The eight memory riser (MR) card slots are located between the fan module slots and the CPU sockets. Consecutively from right to left, the rightmost slot is slot 0, and the leftmost slot is slot 7.

The slots are also designated by their association with the four CPU sockets (P0-P3). Two slots are assigned to each CPU socket. For example, slots 0 and 1 are paired with CPU socket, P0, and are designated as P0/MR0 and P0/MR1. Slots 2 and 3 are paired with CPU socket, P1 and are designated as P1/MR0 and P1/MR1. This numbering pattern continues for the remaining slots.

An illustration showing the location and designations of the memory riser card slots and the CPUs.

1 MR card slot P3/MR1

5 MR card slot P1/MR1

9 CPU-3 (P3)

2 MR card slot P3/MR0

6 MR card slot P1/MR0

10 CPU-2 (P2)

3 MR card slot P2/MR1

7 MR card slot P0/MR1

11 CPU-1 (P1)

4 MR card slot P2/MR0

8 MR card slot P0/MR0

12 CPU-0 (P0)

Memory Riser Card Components

The following illustration shows the components of the Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 memory riser card.

An illustration showing the memory riser card components.

1 Connector

5 DIMM ejector/locking levers (two on each slot)

2 DIMM slots (12)

6 Charge status indicator (green)

3 Fault Remind button

7 Memory riser card fault indicator

4 DIMM fault indicators

Memory Riser Cards Physical Layout

The Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 memory riser cards are located behind the fan module bay. The designations each memory riser (MR) card and its associated CPU are located inside the Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 controller on labels affixed to the rear MR card bracket. The cards are designated as MR, and the CPUs are designated as P. The slots and CPUs are labeled from right to left when viewed from the front of the controller as follows:


Each CPU has two assigned card slots (MR0 and MR1).
  • P0/MR0 (rightmost slot)

  • P0/MR1

  • P1/MR0

  • P1/MR1

  • P2/MR0

  • P2/MR1

  • P3/MR0

  • P3/MR1 (leftmost slot)

The following illustration shows the numbering for the memory riser slots and their associated CPUs as described earlier:

An illustration showing the memory riser card and CPU labeling inside the Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 controller.

Memory Riser Card Population Rules

The memory riser population rules for the Oracle ZFS Storage ZS5-4 controller are as follows:

  1. Each CPU has two dedicated memory riser card slots (MR0 and MR1).

  2. The dedicated memory riser slots for each installed CPU must contain a memory riser card. A four CPU system must contain eight memory riser cards.

  3. When populating the controller with memory riser cards:

    • First populate riser slot MR0 for each CPU, starting with the lowest numbered CPU (P0).

    • Then populate riser slot MR1 for each CPU, starting with the lowest numbered CPU (P0).