After Dropping Into factory-default, Recovery Mode Fails if the System Boots From a Different Device Than the One Booted in the Previously Active Configuration

While triggering a recovery after dropping into factory-default, recovery mode fails if the system boots from a different device than the one booted in the previously active configuration. This failure might occur if the active configuration uses a boot device other than the factory-default boot device.


This problem applies to SPARC T4 series servers. This problem also applies to SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 series servers that run a system firmware version prior to 9.5.3.

To work around the problem, perform the following steps any time you want to save a new configuration to the SP:

  1. Determine the full PCI path to the boot device for the primary domain.

    Use this path for the ldm set-var command in Step 4.

  2. Remove any currently set boot-device property from the primary domain.

    Performing this step is necessary only if the boot-device property has a value set. If the property does not have a value set, an attempt to remove the boot-device property results in the boot-device not found message.

    primary# ldm rm-var boot-device primary
  3. Save the current configuration to the SP.

    primary# ldm add-spconfig config-name
  4. Explicitly set the boot-device property for the primary domain.

    primary# ldm set-var boot-device=value primary

    If you set the boot-device property after saving the configuration to the SP as described, the specified boot device is booted when recovery mode is triggered.

If recovery mode has already failed as described, perform the following steps:

  1. Explicitly set the boot device to the one used in the last running configuration.

    primary# ldm set-var boot-device=value primary
  2. Reboot the primary domain.

    primary# reboot

    The reboot enables the recovery to proceed.