Guest Domain eeprom Updates Are Lost if an ldm add-spconfig Operation Is Not Complete


An attempt to set an OBP variable from a guest domain might fail if you use the eeprom or the OBP command before one of the following commands is completed:

  • ldm add-spconfig

  • ldm remove-spconfig

  • ldm set-spconfig

  • ldm bind

This problem might occur when these commands take more than 15 seconds to complete.

# /usr/sbin/eeprom boot-file\=-k
promif_ldom_setprop: promif_ldom_setprop: ds response timeout
eeprom: OPROMSETOPT: Invalid argument
boot-file: invalid property

If you encounter this error, retry the eeprom or OBP command after the ldm operation has completed.

To avoid this error, retry the eeprom or OBP command on the affected guest domain. You might be able to avoid the problem by using the ldm set-var command on the primary domain.